Friday 4 December 2009

Week 11 - How Rob became the Champion of MeshSmooth

The animation was finished... but the technical troubles hadn't. When it came to rendering the video, my computer threw and tantrum and complained repeatedly about the mapping and the number of faces in the scene. For the time being, and to have a result to show the group, I was able to get away with rendering at 720 x 480. It was a lot smaller than we would have liked (Not even half!) but it was sufficient to show the others where I had got to.

We were in luck though. Rob's computer far superceded all of ours, so we agreed to see if his computer would be able to handle the pressure. We all transferred our documents over and waited with trepidation. Luckily, our prayers were answered at 22:11 Thursday night, as we received a message saying that a few test shots had been successfully rendered at 1280x1024. The following morning, a full-sized render had now been completed. At that moment, Rob was crowned the Champion of MeshSmooth (MeshSmooth being the main culprit of the majority of the technical problems thrown up).

With the my side of the animation now completed, the only phase left is to put everything together and add in the sound. I was nominated as the voice of the narrator, and a basic rendition was recorded earlier today. So aside from the small tasks and odd jobs to help polish everything off, my work here is done

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