Tuesday 13 October 2009

Finishing Touches - Adding Hair

It's times like this that I'm so glad I have short hair (Short to the point where it's impossible for it to get messy). With the rest of the head completed, it seemed bad practise not to do the hair. (My hair isn't short enough that I could get away with a map of the hair). Special thanks here to Dan Jackson whose speedy 3DS Max'ing meant that he got to play around with the hair for a while and pass on his excellent advice to the rest of us. My friend, you saved me a lot of time and I am exceptionally grateful!
The hair was added by going to 'Modifiers' and selecting 'Hair and Fur'. Sadly, this places it all over your face (For a cheap laugh, hit render when this happens. You know you want to!). The first step is, of course, to limit the hair to where you want it. Firstly, under the 'hair and fur' modifier section on the right, select 'faces', and make sure the 'paintbrush' select option is enabled (Change the dotted box on the top toolbar to the circular moving one, remember?). Then simply paint the area you want! You can add more faces by holding Ctrl, and remove them with Alt. When you're happy with the selection, hit 'update selection' on the modifier panel on the right. Then it's all about playing with the settings. Top Tip from Dan: If you're hair is flat and short, you can save a ton of time when clicking 'style', by going down to 'Pop Selected' (Which stands all hair on end) and then clicking 'Recomb' (which brushes it flat)... thus taking care of the style! (Brush is horrible to use and only advisable for actual hair stylists)
The changes I made to the hair specs so far are:
- Hair Count - 50,000 (from 15,000)
- Hair Passes - 3 (from 1)
- Cut Length - 10 (from far too long)
- Rand Scale - 0 (from 40)
- Root Thick - 7
- Tip Thick - 5 (My hair is pretty thick)
Needless to say, the hair colour was also changed to a nice strong black (Or really really dark brown).

And there we go! And the addition of hair has not made me look any less of a Roman (In fact I'd say it's made it worse!) But there we have it... My virtual self in 3D. This isn't the last of me just yet though... I still have a few more tweaks and adjustments to make (Mainly with the hair and lighting). Watch this space...

1 comment:

  1. This is looking brilliant mate
    Cannot wait to get my head model to this point!

    Keep up the high standard mate
