Sunday 18 October 2009

Finishing Touches - Hair Styling

Time to finish this stuff off... Though the previous result had a passable resemblance, I can't help but feel that the hair was too far from my own. It was far too flat at the front. For whatever reason, my hair has a cow's lick one one side, and the other shoots off in its own direction. Translation: the front does its own thing. In lieu of this, I decided to try and tweak it using the 'Hair Style' tool. It's quite nasty, but once you get the hang of it; can create some nice, simple basic effects.

Basically, when you select 'Style Hair', you get a cylinder (and funky orange hair!). The way it works is that when you click and hold the LMB (Left Mouse Button), it 'grabs' all of the hair vertices within it. Moving the brush then moves these vertices (and only these) in it's direction. The first main tip is to shrink the brush size. It's found on a slider (Unhelpfully without a label!) beneath the 'Style Hair' button and work from the front/left/right/back/top views. Working from perspective just creates really odd angles and you can find areas of your hair flying off in odd directions. It's also a good idea to work with small bits of hair first while you get the ropes. Click the LMB when the outer rim of the cylinder intercepts the hair a few mm from the tip. Slowly move the tips around, and then start to work from further down the hair. It's also a lot easier to raise hair up after flattening it, rather than trying to flatten 'popped' hair... so it's always a good idea to 'recomb' (flatten) it first, before working on it (Even if your hair sticks up). Work slowly and the Hair Styler should co-operate.

This is me if I lived in the 60's. You can start to see the style coming along here. The rest of the hair is flat (Due to the 'recomb' from last time), but the front is being lifted and moved about. In this example, I played with the tips of the hair from the 'Left' viewport, and the roots from 'Front'. This allowed me to have full control over which hair was moved and where it was moved to.

This is it around mid-way through. It's definitely in the right direction with regards to consistency and general style. Only problem at the moment is that the flat fringe has gone completely sideways. My wonky hair hasn't been incorporated at all!
This is more like it. A lot of playing about with the roots gave the final result, shown here. The hair now actually has a cow's lick, and the other side 'slopes' down as it needs to. I also reduced the root and tip sizes slightly (5 and 3 respectively), as the hair was looking a bit too dense.

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