Friday 20 November 2009

Passengers - GentBot

The most obvious "SteamBot Cousin" was the one sketched back at the start of the project: A Gentleman SteamBot! Clad in a top hat and monocle, the GentBot would represent the upper classes using the locomotives.

The first step was to create a nice colour scheme for the GentBot, and a nice royal green suited it nicely. It was also given a fancy golden / bronze trim, instead of the metallic silver of the original. This gave the new Bot a little bit more 'style' compared to its counterparts.

The monocle was a nice and easy addition. A torus with a flat cylinder for the centre. The texture of the cylinder was given a high specular level with opacity at around 5%, giving the perfect impression of glass. The string leading from the monocle was a combination of the 'Helix' Line tool, with the 'Loft' Compound Primitive, using a circle as the base. (If you've forgotten how to do it: create a 'Helix' line, and place a circular one at the tip. Then, under the 'compound primitives', you will find 'loft'. Select the circle, to act as the shape, and then select "set Path". Click the helix and it will use the line as the path: Creating a tube). With the tube, all I had to do was shrink the circle and play with the scale tool until I was happy.

The hat was an incredibly easy addition. I created a cylinder, and in the 'Edit Poly' Mode, lifted up all of the vertices on the outside of the hat to create the base: And the top was merely a large, upside-down cone.

Another shorter cone created the band around the base of the top hat. It was nearly done... but something was missing...

Bingo! What is a gent without the long, twiddly moustache? The loft tool once again saved the day. I started with a basic line tool, and curved it around into the little loop on the tips. Add the loft and it was pretty much done. I created a single half of the 'tache with this, and simply duplicated and flipped it around. And there we have it: A distinguished looking SteamBot!

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