Wednesday 4 November 2009

SteamBot - Front Panels

With the front of SteamBot currently looking plain, it was time to incorporate the Clock-face and pressure dials I snapped during our visit!

The clock-face was pretty easy to do. A thin torus on a flat cylinder were enough to create the clock base. The minute-hand was a very thin cone, and the hour-hand was a scaled-down minute-hand, with a spade-like shape added to the end (Editted from a circular spline). More importantly, the pivot-points of both hands were placed in the centre of the clock, thereby allowing them to be rotated with ease when it comes to the animation.

The pressure dials on the lower-section were created in very much the same way. The only main difference was the dial for the central pressure gauge. The 'arrowhead' part of it was made from a torus, which several of its faces removed (To leave a half-torus). Other than that, it was all relatively straightforward.

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