Friday 20 November 2009

Week 9 - A Re-Think

In our meeting last Thursday, we were discussing out ideas about where to take the animation. We had a nice idea, but the critique that continually appeared was that we lacked a suitable demonstration of HOW and WHEN the train was used. Incorporating things like scenery and a Train station seemed to be so much work that we risked overstepping our realistic abilities within the current time frame.
However, locked in our 10 minute meeting, we came up with an interesting idea...
Whilst Steve Harwood took care of finishing the chassis of the train, Rob would take charge of creating the carriages (They can recycle the elements of the undercarriage, and the overall shape is a lot less complicated than the main train). What would happen is that the undercarriage of the carriage would roll in, and several "Period-Costume-Clad SteamBots" would all fall in. The narrator could then remark "Oh look SteamBot! It appears that you have some passengers!" and go on to explain who they are, what they would have used the train for... etc etc. It solved our problem of going over the how's and why's, and also gave me something fun to crack on with!

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