Friday 20 November 2009

Passengers - ProfBot

The next passenger on the train was to be the humble University Scholar / Professor. And so, ProfBot was born. I started off with a nice royal blue colour scheme. It's a rich, smart colour, which suited the role of professor nicely.

So to begin with: I made the spectacles. The first step was to make a pair of cylinders and use the built-in "Slice from/to" options to chop them into semi-circles.

The rims were built from a trio of tori (Plural of 'Torus'), all hit with the "Slice to / from" tool. A pair of half-tori built the frame, and a smaller segment of one created the bridge. At this point, I left the model for a while. Whilst I wanted to add a beard, I realised that the hair/fur modifier would eat up far too much processor to be of any real use. However, a brainwave hit me the next day:
Starting with a basic sphere, I reacquainted myself with the humble 'Editable Poly' tool to drag out the points of the sphere to make more of a tear-drop shape. With a light flick at the end, and playing around with the 'scale' tool to flatten it, we had ourselves a whisker
Duplicate and mirror created a full moustache. Ideally, ProfBot would have had a goatee aswell, but I had trouble with that, and it never came out how I wanted. So I left it just at the 'tache.

The finishing touch was the all-important mortar-board. A pretty easy creation as you can probably tell... 1 sphere and a rectangle on top. Simple additions, but now we have a fully functional ProfBot!

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